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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Windows and Paint

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, time seems to sometimes just get away from us.  This update might not be to everyone's liking as its more about windows being put in and painting the kids bedrooms and bathrooms.  Anyway, here are some pictures:

The Pella truck delivers another 86 windows and doors. 
That brings us to something like 110 (???) to date
with only a few more to go.

Eliza's room getting ready for windows and  painting.

What will be our bedroom getting ready for windows too.

The Oak Room with new windows in the bay.

The bay from the outside.

One of the old picture windows in the Oak Room
actually goes up, something nobody knew before.

This is that picture window (on the left) from the outside.

The morning room being prepped.

There was an old wood stove in the sewing room
on the second floor and the wall behind it was
protected by a metal sheet.  We've removed it and
it looks great.

The new opening down onto the family room
has been trimmed out.  Looks great!

Ger working on the windows and doors in the dining room.

Dining room from the outside.

Eliza's room being prepped.

And the first coat is ON.

For those who know the house, you'll be AMAZED
at all the light in the dining room now.

Monday, May 16, 2011

More windows go in and new toilets!

It was a busy week at the house!  Many new windows were installed and window trim either made or replaced.  The children's rooms were prepped for painting, and their bathrooms have the first coat on the walls.  They also now have baseboard heat in their wing -- all the old radiators have been removed, and they even have toilets!

Our contractor, Mike, installing a window
from the inside in Grandma's sitting room
(to be our master bedroom)

Mike and Ger working on the windows

Look what they discovered!  An old louvered "door"
that slides either to the right or left to cover a
set of the double windows!

Working on the windows in Grandma's sitting room...

Baseboard heat in Caleb's room (the Bulge)

Baseboard heat in the kids' common area (Stuart
Little and the sewing room)

Painters prepping Caleb's room

Prepping Eliza's room for painting

Getting ready to put the first coat
on in Eliza's bathroom

Eliza's 1/2 bath with one coat
of paint and a toilet!

Caleb's 1/2 bath with one
coat of paint and a toilet!

Thursday's excitement -- a
burst hot water heater!

On Friday, the plumbers installed
a brand new hot water heater!

Scout off her leash and back in action....

Hannah's lilacs, heavily pruned by her last summer,
blooming beautifully.

Sticker on the back of Carl's car (one of the crew)...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A finished porch and lots of new windows

We have a beautiful new front porch now, and all 100+ new windows and doors have arrived and await installation.  The new windows in several rooms have gotten new trim.  Progress, progress, progress! 

Working on the front porch

The flooring is all on...

Mike at work making the porch steps

The flooring gets stained

Making the steps!

Caleb trying out the new steps

Our front porch with furniture!

Trimming the new windows and doors

Trim around the upper family room windows

All windows and doors getting trim

An old kitchen cupboard is put
right back where it belongs!

Caleb's room (the Bulge) gets new windows

New windows from the outside

Chris installing the new windows at the
top of the main staircase

Ger installing the new windows in Audubon

It's been a beautiful spring!